Verification of measuring instruments (SI) in the field of thermometry

FORC-Photonics provides services for verification of measuring instruments (Order Aa-1221 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of December 5, 2017). The metrological laboratory is equipped with standards of SI units for conducting primary / periodic verification of measuring instruments in the field of thermometry. The list of metrological equipment is reflected in Table 1.


Table 1 - List of metrology equipment

Name of equipment

Measurement range Error

Surface Temperature Calibrator KTP-1

from 40 to 600 °Ñ

± [0,2+0,003•t]

Multichannel precision temperature meter MIT-8.15

Determined by the type of thermocouple


Platinum vibro-resistant reference thermometer PTSV 1-2

from - 50 to + 450 °Ñ

0,02 in the whole range of measurements,

except from 0 to 30 °Ñ - 0,01

Precision overflow thermostat CCI-1.3

from -75 to +100 °Ñ

error depending on the coolant

Calibrator of temperature ÊÒ-2Ì

from 40 to 500 °Ñ

± (0,05+0,0005•t)

Cryostat KT-4 (dry block thermostat)

from -180 to 0 °Ñ

± 0.01

Platinum vibro-resistant reference thermometer PTSV 3-3

from - 50 to 500 °Ñ

from -50 to 0 °Ñ – 0,03

from 0 to 30 °Ñ – 0,02

from 30 to 60 °Ñ – 0,03

from 30 to 100 °Ñ – 0,03

from 30 to 156 °Ñ – 0,03

from 156 to 232°Ñ – 0,04

from 232 to 420°Ñ – 0,04

from 420 to 450°Ñ – 0,05

from 450 to 500°Ñ – 0,07

Testing format:

  • Conducting tests in accordance with customer's test procedure and providing report with the results obtained;
  • Conducting tests in accordance with previously agreed test procedure developed by the contractor and providing report with the results obtained;
  • Conducting tests with remote online observation of the experiment and correction of operators actions servicing metrological equipment, generating files with the results obtained;
  • Order experiment with the physical presence of the customer during the study of samples.
